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Youth Climate Action Lab

Mobilising communities for change, creating sustainable solutions and coalitions to address climate change.

Youth Climate Action Lab is a youth-led movement on addressing the issues of climate change in Urban Bengaluru. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues affecting young people. Young people’s vision of a just and sustainable world is threatened by the ongoing climate change and related systemic problems such as inequitable access to resources due to power imbalances and structural marginalisation.


Young people are likely to be impacted most by this uncertain future, including adverse effects on their physical and mental health. At the same time, even as they make up over half the world’s population, they are systematically excluded from conversations around climate change.


This 36-month-long phase of the movement commenced in November 2021. It envisions to train, mobilise and support 12 Young Climate Champions and 6 Youth Researchers to collect and share evidence, data and qualitative experience to inform youth-led solutions together with at least 120 young changemakers to collaborate and drive change in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.


The youth climate champions work on identified problem areas and take lead in gauging challenges arising from the impacts of climate change. They raise awareness to mobilise communities to take action on the barriers brought about by climate change especially affecting people in the informal settlement colonies. In the process, the young champions and researchers engage their peers, communities and key decision makers to build a movement that drives progress toward the state climate action plan.

Student Partnership Worldwide India Project Trust

We place young people
at the forefront of change and development


Phone: (+91) - 011 - 4605 3183


Registered Office: 

No.2, 8th East Main Road, Gandhinagar,
Vellore District:
State: Tamil Nadu - 632001

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B 117, Second Floor,

Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi - 110017

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